Hi, I’m Sarah!

First and foremost, I’m a homebody through and through.

I love spending time at home with my husband and two dogs. I love wearing leggings and oversized sweatshirts, slow mornings, online shopping, coffee shops, the beach, and having a glass of wine, on my patio, after a long day.

Although I’ve had a full-time job ever since I graduated college, I’ve never been a career-focused, climb-the-corporate-ladder type of person. And, for a long time, I felt bad about that, like my worth was somehow tied to what I did for a living. But, I knew that wasn’t something that would make me happy or give me energy.

I get energy and excitement from working on things I’m passionate about. When I feel good about what I’m doing, the work pours out of me. It comes naturally and with ease.

That realization finally led to me starting this blog. I’ve been obsessed with learning about all the ways average women, like you and me, make money online. I’ve researched everything I could about digital marketing, affiliate marketing, online businesses, blogging, digital products, and more.

Once I decided on the path I wanted to take, I started treating this like a business. My website was my storefront. I needed to design it in a way that felt authentic to me and that I enjoyed spending time “in”. I filled it with products that I knew you would love and would find value in.

So, that brings me here, sharing all of the tips and tricks I’ve learned with you so you can start earning income on your own time and in a way that feels best to you.