How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing Today (with ZERO Experience)

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through these links. However, rest assured that my recommendations are based on personal experience and genuine belief in the products mentioned.

Do you love Pinterest? Are you looking for a side hustle that can start making you money today? Affiliate marketing is the way to go. I know, everyone throws around the term “affiliate marketing”, but what do they mean? Well, they’re promoting products they love and receiving a commission when a consumer buys that product. Easy and simple as that.

It wasn’t that long ago that I was absolutely CLUELESS about how to start affiliate marketing. I just knew that I really wanted to start making money online and I knew it was possible. I knew that I loved creating pins and browsing Pinterest and thought that would be a great way to promote brands I love. I just didn’t know where to start.

I would try to learn about it on social media and I found that EVERYONE was saying, “oh, just Google your favorite brand + ‘affiliate marketing’” (and all the information you could want will appear before your eyes apparently?). They weren’t completely wrong. You can find brands that have affiliate programs and you sign up with the ones you’re most interested in.


You can do what I did and sign up with an affiliate marketing platform. I discovered Mavely and everything changed. No more scouting out affiliate links through different brand’s websites, I found them all in ONE PLACE. This platform has 1,200 brands that you can choose to work with.

Once I figured out how to work with the brands, I just had to implement my Pinterest strategy and start creating content I was actually interested in.

Getting Started with Mavely

  1. Sign Up: Head over to the Mavely website. Signing up is a breeze, requiring basic information and a few clicks to get started.

  2. Explore Brands: Once you're in, take some time to explore the plethora of brands available on the platform. From household names to niche products, there's something for everyone and every niche. Make sure to read their terms and conditions!

  3. Choose Your Favorites: Select the brands that resonate with you and align with your niche or interests. Remember, authenticity is key in affiliate marketing, so only promote products you genuinely believe in.

  4. Create Content: Get creative! Whether it's through blog posts, social media, or videos, craft engaging content that showcases your chosen products in the best light. Share your personal experiences and recommendations to build trust with your audience.

  5. Share Your Links: This is where the magic happens. Generate unique affiliate links for the products you're promoting and incorporate them into your content. Whenever someone makes a purchase through your link, you earn a commission. It's that simple!

SOME of the brands on Mavely:





Trip Advisor

Alo Yoga


And so many more!

Leveraging Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing

Now that you're armed with your affiliate links, it's time to amplify your reach using one of the most powerful visual search engines out there: Pinterest.

  1. Create Boards: Start by creating boards centered around your niche or the products you're promoting. Think of these boards as virtual storefronts showcasing your curated collection.

  2. Pin Eye-Catching Images: Visuals are everything on Pinterest. Pin high-quality images related to your niche, making sure to include captivating titles and descriptions.

  3. Optimize Keywords: Pinterest is essentially a search engine, so optimize your pins and boards with relevant keywords to increase visibility and attract your target audience.

  4. Share Your Affiliate Links: Whenever you pin an image related to a product, include your affiliate link in the description. Just make sure to disclose that it's an affiliate link to maintain transparency with your audience. (Or you could redirect them to a website or landing page that has your affiliate links listed.)

  5. Engage and Collaborate: Don't forget to engage with your audience by liking, commenting, and repinning content. Collaborate with other influencers and join group boards to expand your reach even further.

Remember, success doesn't happen overnight, but with dedication, consistency, and a genuine passion for what you do, the possibilities are endless. So go ahead, take that first step, and watch as your efforts turn into rewards.

If you’re interested in learning more about starting affiliate marketing, I’ve created an in-depth guide on how to start.

It’s filled with all the information I was looking for when I first started and it’s completely free.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. You’ll want to work with brands that you’re actually a consumer of.

Remember, offering quality content that helps your audience should come first.


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