UGC, Master Rights Resell, and PLR: Understanding the Differences

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When I was just starting this business, I was doing as much research as I could on all the ways to make money from home. I would come across these Instagram pages or blogs that would say, “Hey, did you know your favorite companies and brands will pay you to create ads for them?!” I was always intrigued, but they would never explain HOW! I would read comments to see if others figured out what the heck they were doing, but I didn’t have much luck. It wasn’t until I fully understood what the following terms meant that I figured out how they implemented these practices into their business.

In the world of digital content creation and marketing, terms like UGC (User-Generated Content), MRR (Master Rights Resell), and PLR (Private Label Rights) are thrown around frequently. While they all relate to content, they serve different purposes and come with distinct sets of rights and responsibilities. Let’s break down each term to understand their differences:

User-Generated Content (UGC)

UGC refers to any content—be it text, images, videos, or reviews—that is created by users or customers rather than the brand itself. Social media platforms thrive on UGC, with users sharing their experiences, opinions, and creations related to products or services.

Key Points about UGC:

  • Created by users or customers

  • Often shared on social media platforms

  • Typically used by brands to engage with their audience and build community

How to Start Creating UCG Content:

  • Create UGC specific content

  • Join a UGC platform

  • Build your portfolio

  • Collaborate and reach out to brands

“Done-For-You” Products

Master Rights Resell (MRR)

Master Rights Resell, often referred to simply as resell rights, is a licensing agreement where the buyer of a product or content gains the right to resell it to others. This means that the buyer can sell the product or content to customers and keep the profits without needing to create the product themselves. However, the buyer usually cannot modify the product or claim ownership; they essentially act as a distributor.

Key Points about MRR:

  • Buyers gain the right to resell a product or content

  • Usually cannot modify the product

  • Usually cannot claim ownership

  • The rights get passed down with each sale (you buy a MRR product, you can then sell that product as a MRR product to someone, then they can resell that product, too)

  • MRR use example: you’re looking to create a digital product resell business; you’re purchasing products just to resell them

Browse thousands MRR products here!

Private Label Rights (PLR)

PLR is similar to MRR in that it involves the sale of content with certain rights attached. However, with PLR, the buyer typically has more flexibility. In addition to reselling the content, they often have the option to modify it, rebrand it, and even claim authorship. This means that the buyer can effectively customize the content to suit their needs or the needs of their audience. These are essentially “done for you” digital products. Buying PLR digital products allows you to generate income quickly, without having to spend hours, days, or weeks, figuring out what digital product you want to sell, and then create it.

Key Points about PLR:

  • Buyers gain the right to resell and often modify content

  • Can rebrand and claim authorship

  • Offers more flexibility than MRR

  • Allows customization of content to fit specific needs

  • The rights do not get passed down with each sale

  • PLR use example: you’re a health coach looking for a digital product to sell to your customers, like a meal plan, that you can edit and add your own branding to

Find your perfect PLR product here!

Basically, UGC, MRR, and PLR are all about content, but they have different rules and options. UGC is stuff regular folks create and brands use to connect with people. MRR and PLR let you sell content, but with MRR, you can't change it much, while PLR lets you tweak and brand it however you want. Some sellers will sell it as MRR and PLR! Just make sure you know what you’re buying and what you can and cannot do with it before buying.

Shop MRR/PLR Products Below

Always make sure to check the licensing agreements before making any purchases!


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